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vendredi 7 février 2020



            Buy mask for pollution, A human being needs to breathe
 15,000 liters of air in a single day to be able to satisfy his oxygen
 needs. With episodes of critical pollution becoming more common
 and longer and longer, more and more of us are becoming aware of the 
real need to protect ourselves against fine particles and to equip 
ourselves with protective masks. More and more sophisticated, 
efficient and discreet, the success of these pollution masks is 
growing from year to year. Normal, pollution masks are the 
most effective solution to protect against the damage of air 
pollution on our health.

To be well protected, it is still necessary to take the time
 to inform yourself correctly: What are the most effective
 pollution masks? How do they work? How to choose a mask for
 pollution? How to properly use your pollution mask? 
We answer all these questions in this buying guide entirely
 dedicated to anti-pollution mas.

What mask pollution should we protect ourselves from?
Buy mask for pollution, Did you know that the presence 
of pollutants in the air is constant and has many sources, 
including natural ones (remember the immense pollution 
linked to volcanic eruptions)?
 However, those that are really problematic often have an origin 
linked to human activity: modes of transport (petrol or diesel), 
mode of heating, industry, energy consumption 
 There are two main types of pollutants: primary pollutants and
 secondary pollutants. There are also fine particles present in the
 first type of pollutant, which are very dangerous because of their 
size and their ability to stay in the lungs. They are invisible to the 
eye, often odorless, but they are the most toxic. 
They can be distinguished by their size: PM10 particles and 
PM 2.5 particles.

How do pollution masks work?  
Wondering how this little accessory can save you from pollution? 
The principle is relatively simple.   Pollution masks are concentrates 
of new technologies. Multiple processes have been developed in order 
to filter a maximum of toxic particles (fine particles, viruses, bacteria, 
allergens, fumes, pollens and other dust) present in the atmosphere. 
The pollution masks have several ultra-sophisticated filter layers and 
one or two air extraction valves. The filter layers make it possible to 
stop the particles of more or less large sizes, while the extraction 
valves allow a fluid breaths and the evacuation of moisture.
There are many kinds of masks for air pollution 
protection (TotoboboResproVogmask3M N95 ...) available 
.on the market. We are in no way affiliated to any of the
 mask producers, but here are some of our favorites that we
 could recommend:
For those who have a little more budget and who are still interested in 
3M pollution masks, the Aura 93xx series is a very good option. 
The cost is a little higher (33 RMB for 1 piece for the 9332 premimum 
model, while it is 29 RMB for 5 pieces for the previous 9501).
 There are also 3 levels of filtration performance (FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3). 
The N95 standard is almost similar to FFP2 and the N99 to FFP3
 (see wikipedia for the full explanation).

Our product offers and prices are valid as long as they are visible on 
the site, and while stocks last. For products not stored in our warehouses, 
our offers are valid subject to availability from our suppliers.
 Any exceptional errors or modifications we undertake to correct them.
In case of possible unavailability of product, after placing your order, 
we will notify you by email as soon as possible and you can then, 
if you wish, cancel your order within the limit or this delay is more than 
15 days working.
Buy mask for pollution, The products are delivered without appointment
 by La Poste or carrier to the delivery address that you indicated during
 the ordering process.
However, we reserve the right to split deliveries. Shipping costs will
 only be counted once per order, regardless of the number of shipments.

Contact us now by email at or 
call +33 756 814 184 and Buy mask for pollution,

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