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vendredi 7 février 2020


Buy mask for coronavirus Coronaviruses (Cpv) are viruses from 
the coronaviridae family, the particularity of which is that they have a very
 long RNA genome (ribonucleic acid allows the transport of the genetic
 message and protein synthesis). These germs are surrounded by a
 crown-shaped protein capsule, hence their name.
Are they dangerous to humans?
Coronaviruses can be responsible for several respiratory and digestive 
diseases in several mammals. In humans, these infections can be:
Responsible for benign pathologies such as a cold or flu syndromes;
Responsible for respiratory complications such as pneumonia in
 Immuno-compromised patients or infants;
Responsible for severe respiratory syndrome, leading to epidemics.
These viruses are transmitted by:
In contact with secretion;
On contact with contaminate
In order to help the Chinese population and the WHO in the fight 
against the spread of this virus we decided to help them in the
 marketing of these masks for medical use.
The anti-virus mask, for medical use, called "surgical mask" in 
everyday parlance, is a medical device intended to filter bacteria 
and to avoid contracting a virus, such as that of the flu or any other 
viral disease. "To be effective, the mask must comply with the French .
and European standard" NF EN 14683 ". These masks are generally
 worn in the operating room to first prevent bacteria from the 
surgeon's mouth from being projected onto the surgical
 wound of the surgeon. 
Patient, but can also be worn by the general public to protect
 themselves from micro-organisms in the context of an epidemic,
 such as the flu for example ".

Who are we?
Dynamic and responsive, we are a commercial company focused 
exclusively on the sale on the Internet, of a wide range of medical 
and paramedical products intended for both individuals and health
Based in Europe, we are in direct contact with pharmacies and hospitals.
With several thousand orders per month, we strive and do everything we 
can to satisfy our customers. We provide our customers with a high level
 of quality and service because you deserve it and have the right to demand 
We provide you with appropriate masks for if necessary. Contact us 
now and be protected while fighting the spread of corona virus.
We offer you all types of masks. It all depends on what you want,
 for example surgical masks, pollution masks, dust masks, FFP2 and
 FFP3 masks. Buy your masks from us and become our loyal customer 
and benefit from advantages including our loyalty card which allows 
you to benefit from our reduction.
Buy mask for coronavirus, Our product offers and prices are valid as 
long as they are visible on the site, and while stocks last. For products
 not stored in our warehouses, our offers are valid subject to availability 
from our suppliers. Any exceptional errors or modifications we undertake 
to correct them.
In case of possible unavailability of product, after placing your order,
 we will notify you by email as soon as possible and you can then,
 if you wish, cancel your order within the limit or this delay is more
 than 15 days working.
Buy mask for coronavirus, The products are delivered without appointment 
by La Poste or carrier to the delivery address that you indicated during the 
ordering process.
However, we reserve the right to split deliveries. Shipping costs will only
 be counted once per order, regardless of the number of shipments.
We cannot be held responsible for the consequences due to a delay in
Products travel at the risk of the customer. It is important for you to check
 the perfect condition of your order and to make any comments or 
reservations on the delivery note from the carrier.
In case of payment by check, the order will be processed upon receipt 
of the check.
An order for items not available in stock may be subject to a longer 
delivery time or cancellation.
Risk transfer takes place ex warehouse. In the event of delay of shipment 
on the products appearing on our site, we cannot see our responsibility 
engaged for any reason whatsoever. The customer will have the possibility
 of canceling his order or accepting a new deadline, without being able to
 demand a price reduction or damages.

Contact us now by email at or 
call +33 756 814 184 and Buy mask for coronavirus

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